M I C H E L E : N e w Y e a r s
R e s o l u t i o n
a k e r
Yoplait Light is a delicious way
to eat healthy that helps this
busy woman make smart choices
A t 40, Michele found the weight wasn't
L coming off as easily as it used to. She
was determined to make a fit, trimm er look
her new year's goal and break a bad habit of
going hours w ithout eating a meal. She also
had some additional incentive: "I'm going
to Italy! It will be a challenge to eat healthy
until we go, but I'm determined to do it."
O utsm arting tem ptation
With about 100 calories a cup,
Yoplait Light has become Michele's
healthy eating mainstay. "I can grab
a Yoplait Light with breakfast or as
a snack, and it helps me deal with
sweet cravings,"she says. Yoplait
Light has helped Michele stay on
track between meals. And the 33
flavors give Michele lots of variety.
"I love Strawberry Shortcake, and
Key Lime Pie is yummy."
Her new year's m indset
It quickly started shaping up
to be a great year for Michele.
She got a big promotion at work,
she resumed her running routine,
she made wiser food choices
and she stayed optimistic about
dropping the pounds."Since I travel,
sometimes with crazy hours, it's
nice to know I can always grab
a Yoplait Light,"she says."I look
forward to being my very best self!"
W atch M ich ele 's "T h e P e rfe ct F it" v id e o d ia ry on Y o p m
See Michele on her trip and how you can deal with cravings.
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